
MikroTik XS+DA0003 Direct Attach Cable for SFP/SFP+/SFP28 Devices


The MikroTik XS+DA0003 Direct Attach Cable supports not only SFP 1G and SFP+ 10G, but also the 25G SFP28 standard! With the new direct attach cables you get more features for the same price! This is highly cost-effective way to connect two SFP/SFP+/SFP28 devices (for example two units of our new CCR2004-1G-12S+2XS) for very short distances, within racks and across adjacent racks. They provide a low cost, low power and low latency interconnect solution for 25-Gigabit Ethernet, Fiber Channel and other industry standards, and are direct attached compliant and fully conform to the SFP+ MSA specifications.

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Product Specifications 

Product code XS+DA0003
Cable length 3m
Data Rate 1G / 10G / 25G
MTBF Approximately 100’000 hours at 25C


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